Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nostalgic Heart...the beginning of the end

People say if somethings not broken, don't try and fix it, but what about when something is broken and can't be fixed....

The human heart is what pumps blood through our vains, it goes faster when we feel anger, excitement or adrenalin, but is it possible that there can be such damage to the heart that even though it still proceeds to beat everyday that is can be broken? I didn't think it was possible till someone broke me, body, mind and soul.

I don't think people realize how much damage they can do to one's self.  Don't get me wrong I'm not perfect and I have said something in my 23 years that I regret but I'm talking about when someone you love, that your heart is so deeply invested in that they have the power and control to make or break you.

My love affair went on for over a year.  I was head over heels for this man to the point  probably would have traveled to the ends of the earth for him.  I made all the common mistakes us silly girls make but as any girl will agree on, when it's right in front of you, you can't possibly see it, no matter what anyone tells you.  

In the end he left me broken hearted to blame for things that I never even did.  Awful things were said to bring me down, to bring down any self esteem I had and to tare me down till I had no where else to go.  What made it worse is that it didn't end there, the after affects of the breakup went on months to the point where it became like a game.

I miss you and I'm sorry...I met the perfect girl for me....I'm sorry and I realized you're the best person I've ever ex wants to meet up and talk but I value our friendship...I miss you and I love you...silence for a month then right back at the beginning... life was an emotional roller coaster with no one else riding but myself. I had, had enough.

I went from being happy to being as low as a girl could get, and I mean I found myself in a dark place and I needed to start digging my way back to some sort of surface. 

Bit by bit I dug myself out and as I dig the dirty covered and layered around my heart to protect it from the emotional and mental damage from him.  Am I 100% okay? not close.  Am I over 50%...sure.  But each day that goes by gives me one more reason as to why my life is so much better off without him.  Do I still love him? Yes, I always will because my love was real, but at least I understand that I am better off.

I had loved so deeply, in a way I never had before, so raw and so real that it planted such a deep wound.  Repercussion, never being able to allow another to touch or have that part of my heart again. 

 No matter how hard you try, once someone has brought you to your lowest and completely destroyed you as a person, no one will ever know that part of your heart ever again....